3:19 PM


Posted by JMT |

Here is a lower quality version of the post with AUDIO this time!! I really am not sure why youtube stripped the video of music. It said it was unapproved, but I didn't receive any flags.

Eating from Jess Tyroler on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

That video was funny. If someone did that to me, I don't know if I would have wanted to do it, but because I'm a push-over in confrontations I probably would. Then again, it is Athens and stuff like this happens all the time and most of the time, it could be a lot worse. Very funny and entertaining. Also, ballsy. Big ups.

JMT said...

Deep down I know that A†hens is a bit of a bubble, because as surely as I get terrified to do this stuff right before I do it, most of the time I am talking to people around my age.

If I were doing the same thing to mainly elderly people, because of my respect for them and my fear of what their reaction might be, I would have to approach every situation in a much less obvious way.

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