Right now I am going to tell you that Halloween in Athens, OH is a gauche display. It is over-the-top in every way, and that is just the way we like it. This is my last year attending an Athens Halloween, and I would like to take a minute to reflect. I recently read an article/slideshow in the Huffington Post that makes jest with all the inappropriate costumes to wear. Writers Alex Leo and Katla McGlynn write "Just remember, no matter how bad you may feel about whatever you come up with, as long as you're not dressed in one of the costumes below, you're all set." The worst, truly "inappropriate" (by who's standards?) costume was probably the child dressed as a suicide bomber... but what I saw it I didn't feel offended so much as confused as to why a child would ever want to be that. Anyway, the rest of the costumes are pretty much crude penis jokes socially insensitive puns. To the Huffington Post I say: Just come to Ohio University.
Here we fly our crude costume flags proudly. It is the one time of the year our strait-laced Judeo-Christian society lets go of the politically correct and socially acceptable for a night. Men go out proudly dressed as women without fear of reprimand; college students proudly show off their sexuality, Any other day of the year a skirt so short would only gain looks of scorn, tonight girls will compliment each other on how cute they look as a school-teacher-by-day-hooker-by-night.
And so, I plan to revel in our most celebrated day of social aberration. But before I do, I would like to curse those that can't handle this amount of freedom from the norm, even for a night. For tips about how to stay safe this weekend, check out Amanda King's article. To her advice, I would add: Stay away from the horses. If you mess with them you can be charged with assaulting an officer. If you are wearing heels, bring flats. Who knows if you will be doing a lot of walking or if you get too drunk to walk in heels. Police will look for people that stand out from the crowd. If you are the person tripping a lot, odds are in your favor you may recieve more attention than you want.
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11 years ago
I saw tons of outrageous costumes this Halloween, though nothing at all "offensive." Tons of Green Men and Billy Mays though. And one dude dressed as Elmo, but only wearing a mask, red briefs and red gloves.... Too cold for that shit.
What did you go as for Halloween?
Ha, I saw the buff Elmo on p 21 of The Athens News today. Wish I had seen him in person. Anywho, I was a champagne bottle so I wore glittery gold stockings, pounds of golden makeup on my face and body, a short dark sparkly dress with a huge Dom Perignon label. Did you dress up?
I went as Dexter (from the show...well, Dexter). I had to shave, and now my chin is always super cold.
DEXXXTAAAA. My friends and I are obsessed with that show. As you may notice, the introduction IS stolen from the shower/get ready scene of American Psycho.
This was also my last Halloween in Athens, whatta shame. And I mean that sarcastically...I will miss Athens after graduating, but Halloween has never been in any of my greatest memories... it is fun to dress up, but Halloween is always too overwhelming and overblown. I like your idea of being a champagne bottle, you should have posted some pictures of the costume to your blog! But I certainly agree, Athens Halloween is absolutely a gauche display.
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